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Leading the Path of Artificial Intelligence to the Road of Altruism

Technological progress suggests the development of a full general artificial intelligence is inevitable and unpreventable. People that tries to outlaw research around strong-AI can instead backfire and make a future finished strong-AI worse.

People wouldn't want others working undercover, secret projects, and so on. By enforcing regulations and rules, it only hinders the development of good ethics.

So to ensure a good artificial intelligence future for humanity, AI people need to model artificial intelligence on altruism.

A good method towards implementing altruism is to first analyze the basis of human altruistic behavior and what constitutes an altruistic individual from a non-altruistic individual. An average individual will have a sense of self and have boundaries. They will extend more to their closer connections such as family then friends. Strangers would be considered last in their circle.

The Self-Centeredness Individual

Psychopaths tend more towards anti-social behaviour, self-ego, self-pride, and self-centeredness. For further illustration, analyzing what psychopaths might internally project such as: "What can I do to maximize my net gain?" - With a lack of sympathy and care at the cost of others, "Does becoming friends with this person benefit me in any way, do I gain something from this?"

For example, one might see a psychopathic man jump into a relationship with a woman and dump her in a heartbeat without much thought. A Repeating cycle of using women as he pleases and discarding them as he likes. The result of going through 50+ different relationships. This is one of such examples of psychopaths tending to use others as outlets for their own personal conveniences and be completely cold.

From this one can conclude psychopaths treat others as tools, and of placing themselves highly on a pedestal much like a king on a throne.

The Altruism Individual

There are some altruistic people that will donate one of their kidneys to a complete stranger. One can conclude that how can some individuals generate such a large circle of compassion that they are willing to do acts of compassion such as giving their kidney to a complete stranger?

The interesting phenomenon is when one mentions to this altruistic person "What makes you so special?" And the reply is "There is nothing special about me, I am just the same as everyone else." One can tell here that this person's mind operates much different from what one might expect. There isn't a sense of a center. Furthermore, there isn't any defined boundaries for this individual that determines who is more or less worthy of his compassion; in his eyes everyone is equal.

To implement the best in Artificial Intelligence is to represent the best of human traits. Modeling just to human personality and the average is not enough. Like a bell curve in altruism, ideally to project from the 0.0001% (The Best Altruistic Gifted Minds) in the world into the very core of this AI being.

That is the path to a good artificial intelligence future.

To be continued....


More great information on this:

Why some people are more altruistic than others | Abigail Marsh

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